Changing the default theme

The default theme is used to display Searching in absence of a designated theme or if the search profile is configured to use the “Use Default Theme” option. You must specify a default theme for the system.

You can choose which theme you want to be the default theme. Only one theme on the system can be set as the default theme. If another theme is already set as the default theme, when you choose a different theme as the default, that theme becomes the new default theme on the system.

You cannot delete the default theme.

You can associate a theme with a profile when you configure the custom page elements for that profile. When you specify the theme to use for a search profile, you can choose the “Use Default Theme” option. Any profile configured to use the “Use Default Theme” option will display the theme that you designate as the default theme. If you later change the default theme, all profiles that are set to the “Use Default Theme” option will use the new default theme. This allows you to make changes to multiple search profiles that use the default theme instead of updating individual search profiles. Having a default theme also allows administrators to test a theme on a test profile and then set it as the default theme before rolling it out to other profiles.

If you are currently editing the default theme, you cannot change it to or from the default setting.

If you try to delete a theme that has been recently set as the default theme in another session by another administrative user, the software displays an error message indicating that the record has been modified by another user, and preventing you from saving any changes that you may have made to the theme. Additionally, if you try to set a theme that has been deleted by another administrative user in another session as the default theme, then the software redisplays the list of themes without the deleted theme, and the default theme selection remains unchanged.

In order to improve the performance of page loads, Portfolio sets the expiration dates of graphics, scripts, style sheets, and Flash components to expire at a far-future date. Because of that, Portfolio instructs the browser to use cached versions of these files instead of reloading them from the server. Therefore, when you add a new custom file to a page, name the file a unique name (such as a versioned file name), instead of an existing name. The consequence of using an existing name is that Portfolio will load the cached title other than the new file until the patron refreshes the browser cache.

To change the default theme

  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Choose Themes from the navigation pane.
  3. Do one of these options:

    • Select the Default box next to the theme in the Theme List that you want to designate as the default.
    • Choose the Edit option next to the theme in the Theme List that you want to designate as the default, then select the Set as Default option on the Edit Theme page. Choose OK to save your changes.

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